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EZ-Air® Light is a Breath Pacer that both trains & reminds you to breathe from your diaphragm. Deep breathing from the diaphragm (belly) rather than the chest, is a way to reduce many different kinds of anxiety.

  • You can choose: 5.5, 6, or 6.5 breaths/minute
  • Colored light: You can select a blue light on inhalation and an orange glow on exhalation.
  • Plug it into any USB power supply (i.e., USB charger, PC, or laptop).


EZ-Air® Light is a Breath Pacer that both trains & reminds you to breathe from your diaphragm. Deep breathing from the diaphragm (belly) rather than the chest, is a way to reduce many different kinds of anxiety.

  • You can choose: 5.5, 6, or 6.5 breaths/minute
  • Colored light: You can select a blue light on inhalation and an orange glow on exhalation.
  • Plug it into any USB power supply (i.e., USB charger, PC, or laptop).

Importance of Deep Breathing

“Deep breathing helps you to avoid the “fight-or-flight” response to stressful situations. In these situations, your body’s automatic systems are on high alert and signal your heart to beat faster and your breathing rate to increase. By consciously becoming aware of your breathing and regulating its depth and rate, the likelihood of spiraling into a panic or anxiety attack is lowered.”, November 16, 2020


EZ-Air Light Manual


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Dr. Diane® Roberts Stoler, Ed.D.
7 Hodges Street
N. Andover, MA 01845
Phone: (800) 500-9971
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Dr. Diane is a catalyst for change

Image Credit Elaine Boucher

Within each person shines an inner light that illuminates our path and is the source of hope. Illness, trauma, suffering and grief can diminish the light and shroud hope. I am a catalyst for hope and change, offering a way to rekindle this inner light.

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