All Services are in person or optional Telehealth.

Memory Treatments

Women looking confused, scratching her head and obviously having memory problems

Are you having memory problems due to a brain injury or other issues? How memory problems affect your brain is as unique as you are. Are you a hearty, reactive, or sensitive person? What type of childhood did you have? Did you know that your story determines what memory treatments will be best for you?

Dr. Diane® and her team of Brain Health Experts work as a team to find out what kind of memory treatment you need. They use the 5 Prong Approach to do this. This approach looks at the physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, and energy parts of a person. To find the core issue of your memory problems, however, all of these areas must be looked at. Your memory treatment program will be based on these core issues as well as conventional, complimentary, and alternative methods. These methods are built to meet your specific needs as you overcome your challenges.

Insurance Coverage by Approach

At Dr. Diane Brain Health, we use Conventional, Complementary and Alternative treatments. One type of treatment is not better than the others, instead it depends on what you need and what will be covered by your health insurance.

Conventional Memory Treatments


What you eat influences your memory. It can either cause inflammation or aid in healing. Memory function will improve if you start an anti-inflammatory diet that reduces your use of sugar, corn syrup, and any grains that can be fermented or distilled. Also helpful is eating foods rich in Omega 3 fats like wild salmon and tuna, and antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables like spinach and blueberries. Coconut, olive oil, and avocado are other fats that help the brain heal and enhance memory function. Finally, drinking water, and getting enough sleep are extremely important to include in your treatment plan.

Speech/Language Pathology

A Speech/Language Pathologist (SLP) shows you new ways of improving your memory, not just speech and language. Amy Karas is on our team of Brain Health Experts, she specializes in brain injury and is trained in helping with cognitive and memory issues.


Short-term memory function can be treated with certain medications. These include Ritalin, a stimulant that is helpful for attention disorders, and Symmetrel, a drug that affects the action of brain chemicals and is often used to treat Parkinson’s disease. These medications have side effects, but if they are effective, the benefits may outweigh the disadvantages.

Rehabilitation Centers

Rehabilitation centers offer programs that help manage persistent memory problems. The aim is to get back or improve lost skills through training or tutoring.

Compensatory Interventions

These types of interventions teach you to work around your challenges by focusing on your strengths to complete tasks. First, you will be taught how to use your present skills and your learning style to remember information. Then you will use internal cues such as thoughts and sensations, as well as external cues like color or sound to regain memory.

Complementary Memory Treatments

Hypnosis can be helpful in regaining long-term memory. Dr. Diane® is published in the field of hypnosis. Neurofeedback can help the brain become regulated again and form new neural connections needed for memory function. Both Dr. Diane® and Paul Soper, who is on our Brain Health Team, can provide Neurofeedback for your memory problems.

Computer Programs

There are several computer programs and websites devoted to improving your memory, such as Brain Train, EyeQ, BrainHQ.

OTA Medications

Prevagen, a brain health supplement, has been shown to improve memory problems by binding to calcium cells. The active ingredient responsible for this work is Apoaequorin, a protein found in jellyfish. The regular version of Prevagen can be bought at health food stores, while a more potent version is sold through medical practices. As always, it is extremely important to consult with your neurologist before using any over-the-counter medication.

Alternative Memory Treatments

Homeopathic and Herbal

Some Herbalists recommend products such as Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Super Blue-Green Algae, Black Cohosh, or Suan Zao Ren as memory treatments, based on your specific needs.

It has been said that there are certain herbs and homeopathic remedies that increase your memory, for this reason, homeopathic remedies have been recommended for people with Post-Concussive Syndrome. These include Carbo Vegetabilis, Silicea Terra, and Hyoscyamus Niger. While these products may help, it is always best to work with a knowledgeable practitioner rather than self-medicating. In fact, even natural remedies can have serious side effects if not used properly.

When you talk to your physician, if they are unable to help you in these areas, or provide a referral to someone who can, the Herb Research Foundation or the National Center for Homeopathy will help you locate a practice in your area. Susan Keefe is the Homeopathic Practitioner on our Brain Health Team of Experts.


For some, taking certain nutritional supplements, such as Vitamin B6 and Q10 daily, help restore memory. It is important to know that too much vitamin B6 can damage the nervous system. Above all, you must first consult with your doctor to determine what amount, if any, is best for you.

Schedule Your Consultation

Are you ready to relieve the pain and suffering caused by your traumatic brain injury? Contact Dr. Diane and her team of experts today, and get your life back on track.

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Coping with Concussion and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

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Dr. Diane® Roberts Stoler, Ed.D.
7 Hodges Street
N. Andover, MA 01845
Phone: (800) 500-9971
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Dr. Diane is a catalyst for change

Image Credit Elaine Boucher

Within each person shines an inner light that illuminates our path and is the source of hope. Illness, trauma, suffering and grief can diminish the light and shroud hope. I am a catalyst for hope and change, offering a way to rekindle this inner light.

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