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The Facts About Cholesterol

by | Jan 26, 2018 | Brain Fitness, Brain Health, Nutrition | 0 comments

Natural Life Consulting, LLC

7 Hodges Street, North Andover, MA 01845
Phone: (339) 368-7551
Fax: 978-409-1269


By Terry Anderson and Martha Lindsay

Not the villain it is made out to be, cholesterol is actually a vital nutrient for human health.

The facts about cholesterol and saturated fats are in each one of our cells and helps them stay firm since it is in the membranes that surround the cell and within the cell itself. That is every cell in the human body. As a matter of fact, some of the cells with high levels of cholesterol and saturated fats are the cells that line certain parts of blood vessels to make them strong enough to withstand the pressure of the blood flowing through them.

Cholesterol in the cells helps the immune system fight off infections, in fact it has been found that after surgery the amount of cholesterol in the blood increases.

Benefits of Cholesterol:

Heal after surgery

25% of all body cholesterol is taken by the brain
The connections between brain cells is entirely dependent on cholesterol.   Without cholesterol, we would have no learning or memory.  Memory loss is a result of cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Cholesterol forms cell walls
Without cholesterol we would all be worms.

Allows the arteries and veins
To withstand the pressure of the blood flowing through them and heals them after we have any injury.Those with very low cholesterol are prone to “emotional instability and behavioral problems”

Most of our hormones are made from cholesterol including sex hormones
Without enough cholesterol we see infertility.

Bile is made from cholesterol
Bile is needed for absorption of fat and fat-soluble vitamins.

Vitamin D is made from cholesterol and sunlight in our skin
Vitamin D is essential for cell repair.

Have a healthy immune system
Immune cells rely on cholesterol.  “LDL binds and inactivates dangerous bacterial toxins”. The MRSA bacterial toxin does not destroy red blood cells when LDL is present.  Before antibiotics, a common cure for tuberculosis was daily raw egg yolks and fresh cream.

 Fetuses and infants require cholesterol for eye and brain development

Myelin is a fatty substance that coats all nerve cells and 20% of myelin is cholesterol
If we start losing myelin, we develop multiple sclerosis.

Without enough cholesterol
Emotional instability and behavioral problems result, including violent and aggressive actions.

Essential for tissue healing

What Causes High Cholesterol?

Trauma, including surgery for healing

For adrenal hormone production and the liver needs it to handle the storm of free radicals the stress causes


Toxic chemicals

Abnormal intenstinal microorganisms
Damage the intestinal lining and allow toxins and bad microorganisms into the blood.

After overeating processed carbohydrates (ie. Bread items, grain pastas and refined sugars)

Nutritional deficiencies
Such as B vitamin or Vitamin C deficiencies

Magnesium deficiency
Sugar strips the body of magnesium –  we know so far that magnesium is needed for over 300 metabolic reactions in the body which occur every second.  Magnesium is required for detoxification pathways.

Binds with proteins in the blood and makes them “sticky” and attaches to the blood vessel walls starting atherosclerosis, blindness, kidney failure, Alzheimer’s, impotence, loss of memory, etcetera.  What happens just depends on where the sticky proteins get stuck.

Foods High in Cholesterol:

  • Caviar
  • Cod liver oil
  • Fresh egg yolks
  • Butter
  • Cold water fish and shellfish
  • Lard

“Scientific studies have conclusively demonstrated that cholesterol from food has no effect whatsoever on the level of cholesterol in our blood.” Cholesterol is so important to us, the body at all times keeps blood cholesterol at a given level and if we eat more, we make less and if we eat less, we make more.   85% of our cholesterol is made by our bodies and 15% comes from food.


  • Eat Fat Lose Fat, Dr. Mary Enig and Sally Fallon, Plume Publishing (member of Penguin Group, 2003.)
  • The Cholesterol Hoax, Dr. Sherry A Rogers, Sand Key Company, Inc, 2008.
  • The Great Cholesterol Con, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, John Blake Publishing, Inc., 2007.
  • Know Your Fats, Dr. Mary G. Enig, Enig Associates, Inc., 2000 (7th printing2006).
  • Put Your Heart in Your Mouth,  Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, Medinform Publishing, 2007.

Dr. Diane® Roberts Stoler, Ed.D.
7 Hodges Street
N. Andover, MA 01845
Phone: (800) 500-9971
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Dr. Diane is a catalyst for change

Image Credit Elaine Boucher

Within each person shines an inner light that illuminates our path and is the source of hope. Illness, trauma, suffering and grief can diminish the light and shroud hope. I am a catalyst for hope and change, offering a way to rekindle this inner light.

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